7 Absolute Ways To Protect Yourself From Negative Energies

At some point in your life, you've encountered a negative person. It may be that you have a negative person in your life at this very moment, whether it be a spouse, family member, co-worker, friend or even a stranger.

 An encounter with a negative person can be emotionally taxing. These people can imprint their negativity onto you in such a way that may leave you feeling sad, angry, afraid or Completely Drained Of Energy. However, it doesn't have to be this way.

As there are many reasons behind a person's negativity, there are also many ways to protect yourself from that negativity.

There is the well-known idea that our thoughts are responsible for creating our reality. The more I thought about this, the more I saw the actions of negative people in a much different light. I started to think that it isn't the negativity of the people that's bringing me down and draining my energy, but rather how I allow their negativity to affect my life. What I found is, by not allowing the negativity of others to impact me, the less I experienced, because I no longer attracted it.
When it comes to the energetic World, I believe that Light attracts Light, and that we do have to understand negativity, work with it consciously and give it just enough attention as to be aware of it but not let it rule our lives. Here’s some tips to help…

1) Don’t Feed Negativity!
 I believe all truly negative energies, entities or spirits operate in one primary function. They are separate or disconnected from Source. Unlike you or I, they can’t plug into the Source of the Universe to receive or generate energy. Because of this they literally have to go around looking for others to feed off of, similar to a parasite.

 Therefore the more worry, expressed fear, resistance or panic you have towards negative energy, the more it has the ability to steal your vital life force. Constantly talking about the illuminati, the government, the 1% or some seemingly demonic forces keeping you or the World stuck, literally gives these forces your power and energy.

That’s right, the very act of thinking about how much power negative forces have, is the very way they can take your power from you. Don’t feed the Trolls…they have an insatiable appetite and have no problem feasting on everything you hold dear.

“What do the negative energies and entities of this planet got to do with the life you choose to experience and create for yourself? Remember they get power making you feel powerless. So if you are to be empowered, remember how powerful you are.”

2.) Know How To Take Your Power Back
Once you realize how negative energies get their power, it’s time for you to start reclaiming all that power you gave away. It starts with working on yourself…

More often than not, when we are carrying negative energies it’s because on some level we are toxic. Physically, emotionally, mentally toxic. And you’ll need help, whether it’s reiki, soul retrieval, crystal healing or cleansing your body, all of these will help restore your power.

Here’s the Deal: Heal & Detoxify so you can Clear Negative Energies. Once those negative energies leave, you will have more of your True Self take their place. Your True Self is the Source of your greatest power.

3) Entrain & Focus Your Mind
Feeling scattered, unfocused and ungrounded? Well, this can leave you wide-open to negative energies.

Your mind & your thoughts are your responsibility. If we don’t have control over our minds, our minds will be controlled for us. It’s that simple. Entraining your mind will allow you to stay focused on positivity.

Try This: Instead of constantly looking for problems and what’s wrong in your life & the World, consider paying attention to what’s working. What’s going right in the World? In your life? Find things to be excited about, and move towards that.

4) Consciously Choose Your Media & Information
We are constantly being bombarded by corrupted media and negative programming. If you want to transform your consciousness to be plugged into the Source & supportive, positive forces of the Universe, you are going to need to be very selective about the media you consume.

Luckily, there is more incredible and inspiring media out there than ever before, YouTube, Podcasts, Blogs, etc. It’s now becoming easier and easier to continually surround yourself with positive energy. I dare you to take on that challenge.

When each of us consciously choose positive and conscious media as our primary source of input, we literally transform the World from the inside out.

5) Track Your Blind Spots
We all have very distinct weaknesses or undefined places in our consciousness. I call these blind spots. Everyone has them, no exceptions, no matter how evolved they are or proclaim to be.

Sometimes our blind spots are in our mind and thought process, in our communication, our boundaries, our relationships, our emotions etc. Our blind spots can often be the hidden gateways that negative energy and entities can come in and influence our lives. Especially being, it’s called blind for a reason, you can’t protect yourself from something you can’t see.

These blind spots are really important…because other people are able to see sides of ourselves we can’t, and thus we all get to support each other and help one another grow. It’s important to know where you have room to grow, as our growth is vital to our process of life here.

6) Don’t Let Stagnant Energy Build Up
When energy is stuck or doesn’t move, it becomes stagnant. Our bodies are a series of tubes, and like a glow stick, those tubes have to be cracked and shaken to run light through them. Chinese Medicine says stagnancy is the cause of all disease. If you want to be healthy, happy and live positively, don’t let stagnant energy build up.

Stagnancy can also come from our physical space. If you hoard things or hold on to a lot of non-essential physical objects, they will start to build stagnant energy. If you have ever walked into someone’s house full of stale junk, you probably had that yuck feeling.

Negative energies will literally attach themselves to objects and things. There is a reason they say cleanliness is next to Godliness. Keep things vibrant and fresh, and negative energy will scram!

7) Be a Lighthouse, Not a Sponge
This hidden, secret tool is one of the most effective methods I’ve ever set in motion to protect myself from negative energy. The idea is that when you show up in your True Self, with the light of who you are, you become a lighthouse.

A lighthouse is continually broadcasting light in whatever direction of its focus. Be that! Shine your bright, brilliance.

On the other hand, if you are a sponge, you are absorbing everything around you, good and bad. A sponge is highly susceptible to germs, especially when it’s been sitting out and overstayed its welcome. Don’t absorb everything in your reality, emit yourself and literally experience your World change before your eyes!

Almost all negative energy can be thought of or considered as resistance. If you transform your relationship to resistance and no longer let it rule your life, the negative energies will fade away, and the positive love of Spirit will spearhead your daily existence!

Here is a groundbreaking eBook I created for you to help! Over 10,000 people have read it and and loved the amazing insights & benefits it gave them for their lives! I know you will too.