The Brain That Changes

For Andrew Short every step he takes is a reminder of how far he has come. Even if, with every second step, his trainer Lee Campbell is yelling at him to straighten up.

"If you're not going to use that left pole, I'm going to come over there and kick it out from under you," says Campbell. "Look up, stand straight."

You want to tell Campbell to lay off him, but the pair know how the other ticks. They've been working together for four years now. And it works.

Short, 36, has cerebral palsy. While his mind is sharp - he has a degree in theology and is completing a Masters in disability care - his body falters, every step is hard work. But Short loves hard work.

Which is why he's heading to Papua New Guinea in April to walk part of the Kokoda Track.

The 20km trek, from Ower's Corner to Imita Ridge,  is the latest in a series of challenges that Campbell has set Short in the time they have been working together. In 2013 they climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge, in 2014 they competed in a Tough Mudder event.Full Article